filmMED brings you at-home workouts with Nick Bolton & Aja James produced by Envision Studio!! This series will go from beginner to advanced moves. You don't need a gym filled with equipment to build serious muscle, strength, and conditioning. All you need is 20-40min a day to complete these workouts and start seeing results.
Joey Thurman shows us some moves with Model & Actor Clark Lichty in Chicago. Joey Thurman @JoeyThurmanFit Creator of Produced by Envision Studio
Directed by Giuliano Correia. Cinematography / Produced by Envision Studio
BPM Indoor Cycling Studio. NOW OPEN! 3904 Terrace Street Kansas City, MO 64111 Produced by Envision Studio
filmMED catches up with Justin Maina on the beaches of Clear water Florida to see one of his favorite workouts. This video might make your head spin from all the flips, but it is well worth the watch. Found Justin at: Instagram @justinmainaofficial Produced by Envision Studio.
Todays Monday Motivation comes from Joey Thurman in Chicago. Be sure to check out his book "365 Health Hacks" You can find Joey Thurman: @JoeyThurmanFit Creator of Produced by filmMED & Envision Studio